Brinligh did have her eye surgery yesterday. It took place much later than hoped in the day. The poor thing was ornery and wiggly because she went without feedings since 6:00 am. They started the surgery about 12:30 which was suppose to take place earlier in the morning. The surgery lasted about 2 hours. They said she was very upset during the surgery so they had to sedate her more than they hoped they would have. She was still very knocked out when we left about 8:00 pm. It was hard to see her with a breathing tube again and her little eye's taped closed. It is just a small setback that is for the good in the long run. We did find out more details about surgery. The surgery was to give increase her chances of good eyesight. We thought it was to assure her that she would be able to see. That is not the case. Without the surgery her chances of poor eyesight were about 30-40%. With the surgery it drops them to about 8%. The surgery trimmed the sides of the pupil where the abnormal vessel growth is happening due her large swings in her oxygen which is of course due to her premature state. The connection between her eyes and her brain which determines the ability to see still has to develop as normal and that was not correctable if it does not happen. The surgery makes her pupils able to perform their job. The trimming of her pupil on the sides will have some affect on her peripheral vision. How much is not really known for some time.
Lastly was the surgery a success? The Dr's have yet to come talk to Dustin and Carrie. They were doing the same surgery on many babies yesterday so they don't know any details yet. We just know Brinliegh was not a happy camper during the procedure. They will continue to monitor her eye's and if they do continue to get worse they can do the procedure again. This was the optimum window for this procedure.
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