Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Procedure Today - updated at 1:00

They found an abscess in Brinleigh's bowel during the CT Scan.  They will try to do a procedure through her rectum sometime this morning to try and get to it.  If they are not successful they will do surgery to get to the problem.

Lets hope they can get to it via the procedure and not have to get to it surgically she is so fragile.

Here is a picture Carrie sent last night.  She had her eyes open and was looking around allot she said.  You may notice she has lost allot of her hair and her skin is peeling.  The peeling is from her being bloated and stretched.  Her color is a little off because her platelets are a bit low.  They plan to give her more platelets and blood prior to the procedure today.

Update:  I just got an update that says she has two abcesses one is in her bowels the other in her pelvis.  I did some reading and it said they can be caused by bacteria.  So the assumption is the bacteria she has been fighting led to the abcesses.  Only what the internet suggested to me.. :)  They don't know if they can get to both of them without being more intrusive.   She is schedule for 1:30 procedure.


  1. Do they think this is the cause of her infection? I hope they only have to do it thru her bowels and that everything goes ok today. Please keep us updated.

  2. I am a universal platelet donor if it would help for me to donate for her (if they do that kind of thing). I donated last Wednesday and can donate again as early as tomorrow.


  3. More like the infection caused the absecess to form I think. But they are affecting her ability to get well in some way of course. We will try to find out more.

    Russ... they have not asked about platelet doners to replace what she has used but we will ask. Thank you for offering that means alot.
