Friday, December 9, 2011

Everyone sit down... Brinleigh is HOME!!!!

Got a text from Carrie at 2:33 today saying they are on their way home.  1 day short of 5 months and they finally get to be a family.  You guys will be great parents.

We love you and are so happy for this day to have finally arrived.  I can't type through my tears of happiness for you.


  1. That is so awesome! We are thrilled for you! Home is a great place to be and now you're all there together. You are amazing and remember there is nothing you can't accomplish when you do it together with the Lord by your side!! Love and hugs (of course), Aunt Vickie and family

  2. I am right there with you Grandpa!! We out here in California, are elated with this incredible news!! Now that's CHRISTMAS!!!!! Love to all, Dave and Anne Holdaway

  3. I had the pleasure of meeting Dustin and Carrie at the IMC NICU. Beautiful little Maeleigh was actually my sons roommate for a couple of days. (My son was born 2 days before the girls and through talking to Carrie we found out we shared the same due date.) I am so very happy Brinleigh is home! What an amazing journey they have all been through. Please pass along my congratulations to them.
